

SPA Library

The School of Planning Architecture Library maintains well-stocked libraries in both Planning and Architecture campuses. Together these libraries are arguably one of the richest storehouses of books/documents in the fields ofplanning and architecture in the entire Asian region. The library has been acting as a crucial resource center to meet the information needs of its users and is equipped with computer and electronic facilities to support teaching, learning and research activities of the School.


General Library Rules

  • Users must enter name, membership number and time of entry and exit in the register at the counter.
  • No personal belongings such as books, files, registers, handbags, briefcases, are allowed inside the library. These may be kept at a designated place at the entrance. The library staff is not responsible for the safety of your property.
  • The library is a place for study hence the silence and quietude of the library must be respected at all times. Loud conversations are not allowed. Cell phones must be kept in ‘silent’ mode.
  • Like all other spaces of the School, both libraries are strictly ‘no-smoking zones’
  • Activities such as eating, drinking and sleeping are not allowed in the libraries.
  • Defacing books and other library property by marking, scribbling, tearing of pages etc is forbidden and can result in cancellation of membership and a fine. Users must ascertain the condition of books before they are borrowed.
  • Loss of library card(s) and/ or borrowed book(s) must be brought to the notice of the librarian immediately.
  • Users shall leave the library material on the tables after consultation to be shelved ONLY by the library staff.
  • Users must leave books and other material consulted on the reading table after they are through with their research to allow the library staff to re-shelve them correctly.
  • Membership cards are not transferable and must be produced whenever required to do so by the library.

Membership and Library Admission

All students, faculty and non-teaching staff are eligible for membership to the library. Admission to the library is restricted to members only. However, others desirous of using the library may do with permission from the librarian. Membership types and number of books that can be borrowed by each is as under:

Member CategoryNo. of Books IssuedLoan Period
Teaching Faculty1230 days
Guest Faculty0215 days
Research Scholars0815 days
Research Associates0415 days
Post-Graduate Students0715 days
Under-Graduate Students0415 days
Non-Teaching Staff0415 days

Alumni of the School

(having membership)

0215 days


Application for membership is to be made on the prescribed form obtained from the Library. Applications of students, faculty, guest faculty, research scholars shall be recommended by the respective Heads of the Department and of other categories shall be recommended by the Administrative Head.

No Dues Certificate

Heads of Departments of Studies shall issue a ‘No-Dues certificate’ to their students and research scholars only after they have obtained a clearance certificate from the library.

Advisory Committee

Library Advisory Committee

Prof. Dr. Sanjukta BhaduriChairperson
Prof. Dr. Bandana JhaMember
Dr. Jatinder KaurMember
Dr. Salman KhursheedMember
Library & Information Officer (Lib)Secretary
Download Forms
  • APPLICATION FORM FOR IDENTITY CARD (for Faculty/ Staff/ Visiting Faculty/Project Staff) 
    Click Here
Library Collection

Library Collection 

SPA Library develops collection with the objective to enrich the knowledge of the SPAD academic community through books, journals, print and electronic journals and online databases.


The Library has a collection of over 83091 books/documents books in the area of Planning and Architecture, Management, Social Sciences and related subjects.

Print and Electronic Journals 

The School Library has a subscription to 98 print and electronic journals and JSTOR online database.

New Arrival

Coming Soon !!

Library Hours

Opening hours

Monday to Friday - 8.30 A.M. to 7.30 P.M.
Saturday - 9.00 A.M. to 5.30 P.M.


Monday to Friday - 9.00 A.M. to 5.30 P.M.
Saturdays – No transactions

Holidays: Library remains closed on Institute’s Holidays.

Electronic Resources

Coming Soon !!

Print Journals

Coming Soon !!

Open Access

Coming Soon !!


DELNET Digital Resources :

Contact Us

Shri Narendra Singh Dhami

Library & Information Officer
