



1Anti-Ragging Awareness Videoshttps://spa.ac.in/anti-ragging-awareness-videos
( Format:pdf, Size::808 KB, Language: English )
2National Ragging Prevention Programmenational-anti-ragging-program.pdf
( Format:pdf, Size::808 KB, Language: English )
3Anti-Ragging SquadsANTI RAGGING SQUADS.pdf
( Format:pdf, Size::808 KB, Language: English )
4Anti- Ragging CommitteeAnti- Ragging Committee.pdf
( Format:pdf, Size::421 KB, Language: English )
5Grievance Redressal CommitteeGrievance_Committee_2024.pdf
( Format:pdf, Size::1.22 MB, Language: English )
6Anti-Drug UndertakingANTI_DRUG_UNDERTAKING.pdf
( Format:pdf, Size::74 KB, Language: English )
7Anti-Ragging UndertakingANTI_RAGGING_UNDERTAKING.pdf
( Format:pdf, Size::59 KB, Language: English )
8Anti-Ragging Part-1https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FHQZ5DFlT1I 
9Anti-Ragging Part-2https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0XavH6qTby4 
10Ragging- An Avoidable Crime Part-1https://www.youtube.com/watch?app=desktop&v=0wusO1W-GI8 
11Ragging- An Avoidable Crime Part-2https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iXPCplaCoNU&feature=youtu.be 
12UGC Regulations for Anti-Ragging- UGC Regulations 2015 (on Anti Sexual Harassment)UGC_REGULATION_FOR_ANTI_RAGGING_UGC_Regulations_2015.pdf
( Format:pdf, Size::6.01 MB, Language: English )
13Ministry of Women and Child Development - Anti Sexual Harassment Act 2013Anti_Sexual_Harasment_Act_2013.pdf
( Format:pdf, Size::3.43 MB, Language: English )
14Handbook on Sexual Harassment by Ministry of Women and Child DevelopmentHandbook_on_Sexual_Harassment.pdf
( Format:pdf, Size::3.22 MB, Language: English )
15UGC Regulation on Curbing the Menace of Ragging in Higher Educational Institutions, 2009UGC_Regulation_on_Curbing_the_Menace_of_Ragging.pdf
( Format:pdf, Size::1.61 MB, Language: English )
16First Amendment-RaggingFirst_Amendment_Ragging.pdf
( Format:pdf, Size::86 KB, Language: English )
17Second Amendment_Anti-RaggingSecond_Amendment_Anti_Ragging.pdf
( Format:pdf, Size::229 KB, Language: English )
18Third Amendment_Anti-RaggingThird_Amendment_Anti_Ragging.pdf
( Format:pdf, Size::67 KB, Language: English )
19AICTE redefined Ragging 08th March ArticleAICTE_redefined_Ragging_08th_March.pdf
( Format:pdf, Size::1.20 MB, Language: English )

Complaint Portal

Online awareness about the role and responsibility of the Directorate of Public Grievances (DPG), Cabinet Secretariat, among general public

"If complainants fail to get redress to Grievances from (School of Planning and Architecture - New Delhi), they can approach Directorate of Public Grievance (DPG) at https://dpg.gov.in/ for redress of grievance"

  • Process of Issuing Migration Certificate Click Here
  • Process of Education/Degree Verification Click Here

Anti Sexual Harassment Policy

Towards Making SPA New Delhi Inclusive, Safe and Proactive

As per the law of the land Sexual Harassment of Women is an offence. Sexual Harassment means and includes unwelcome sexually determined behavior such as:

  • Physical contact and advances;
  • A demand or request for sexual favours;
  • Sexually - coloured remarks;
  • Showing of pornography;
  • Unwelcome physical, verbal or non verbal conduct of sexual nature;
  • Sexual or indecent gestures and indication;
  • Entry into private place marked for female employees and students, with the intent to commit mischief and harassment;
  • Taking of photographs of female workers/ staff without permission; converting photographs and other images into visually offensive and/ or pornographic material and circulating the same in any manner including electronic media;
  • All such acts and conducts against women (employees and students), which amount to commission of offence defined in the Indian Penal Code.

Sexual Harassment is humiliating, hurts the dignity of the victim, causes mental torture, fear and anxiety and can lead to mental and physical problems of persons subjected to such behavior. Let us make the Campuses of School of Planning and Architecture an Inclusive and Safe Teaching-Learning- Work Environment for All. For this we have created a Complaints Cell of faculty and staff of the School whom you may reach out to for help. This Cell comprises of the following persons:

Prof. (Dr.) Chitrarekha Kabre
Department of Architecture
Manu Mahajan
Associate Professor
Department of Urban Design
Dr. Shuvojit Sarkar
Associate Professor
Department of Architecture
Dr. Aarti Grover
Head and Associate Professor
Department of Landscape Architecture
Ashwani Kumar Chadha
Sr. Assistant
Veena Yadav
Sr. Assistant
Mayuri Das
Student (B. Planning 3rd Year)
Zurooru Zaman
Student (B. Arch. 3rd Year)
Durba Ghose
NGO Representative
Anitha Shenoy
Hon’ble Supreme Court of India
Dr. Sakkeri Ramya
(Member Secretary) 
Assistant Professor (Urban Planning)

Grievance Redressal Mechanism