
Research Projects

S.No Title Name of Project Coordinator Name of Sponsoring Agency/ Research Partners Total Amount (Rs.) Date of Start Project Status
21 Research of Handbook on Lime of Woirking Group of CED4 of Bureau of Indian Standards Ms. Anuradha Chaturvedi Bureau of Indian Standards - - Ongoing
22 Study of Challenges in Fly Ash Utilization and Development of Proposal for promotional initiatives Prof. Dr. Virendra Kumar Paul, Dr. Chaitali Basu and Abhijit Rastogi National Thermal Power Corporation (NTPC) - - Ongoing
23 Smart Sustainable City Regions in India” in partnership with NTNU –Norway funded by UTFORSK, Norway Prof. Dr. Arunava Dasgupta Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) - - Ongoing
24 Urban Transformations – Learnings from South Asia and Germany, in partnership with Heidelberg University, Germany and Kathmandu University, Nepal funded by DAAD, Germany Prof. Dr. Arunava Dasgupta DAAD Germany 330,000 01-01-2020 Ongoing
25 Understanding Indian urban Governance Reform: A comparative Analysis of Smart City policy reforms and their impact on sustainable urban mobility (UNDERREFORM) sponsored by ESRC-ICSS (Final Report Submitted) Prof. Dr. Sanjay Gupta Leeds University (U.K.) (Lead Partner), IISc. Bangalore, Birmingham University (U.K.) - - Ongoing
26 Handbook on Spatial Planning for Rurban Clusters Prof. Dr. Ashok Kumar Ministry of Rural Development, Government of India - - Completed
27 From Laboratory to Conservation Site - Scientific investigation of traditional building materials Anuradha Chaturvedi and T. Lakshmipriya DST supported collaborative research project under Indo-Italian Technological & Scientific Research Programme. Linked with research focus on improved conservation interventions - - Completed
28 Heritage of Historic Hill Stations Anuradha Chaturvedi INTACH - - Completed
29 Inventory and Research on Historic Gardens of India Prof. Dr. Priyaleen Singh INTACH - - Completed
30 The rise of private slum developers in Bangladesh and India: Heores or Villans? Prof. Dr. P.S.N.Rao and Dr. Ruchita Gupta Bristish Academy-Lancaster University - - Completed