


S.No Title Documents
61 16th finance committee 06.09.2022 16th-finance-committee-06.09.2022.pdf ( Format:pdf, Size::1.95 MB, Language: English )
62 15th finance committee 02.08.2022 15th-finance-committee-02.08.2022.pdf ( Format:pdf, Size::1.88 MB, Language: English )
63 14th finance committee 01.12.2021 14th-finance-committee-01.12.2021.pdf ( Format:pdf, Size::780.4 KB, Language: English )
64 Minutes of 1st Meeting of Senate held on Saturday, 16th September,2017 Senate-01.pdf ( Format:pdf, Size::24.32 MB, Language: English )
65 Minutes of 2nd Senate Meeting held on 21st March,2018 Senate-02.pdf ( Format:pdf, Size::37.75 MB, Language: English )
66 Minutes of 3rd Senate Meeting held on 26th September,2018 Senate-03.pdf ( Format:pdf, Size::22.42 MB, Language: English )
67 Minutes of 4th Senate Meeting held on 24th April,2019 Senate-04.pdf ( Format:pdf, Size::10.17 MB, Language: English )
68 Minutes of 5th Senate Meeting held on 04th October,2019 Senate-05.pdf ( Format:pdf, Size::10.93 MB, Language: English )
69 Minutes of 6th Senate Meeting held on 04th March,2020 Senate-06.pdf ( Format:pdf, Size::6.42 MB, Language: English )
70 Minutes of 7th Senate Meeting held on 05th June,2020 Senate-07.pdf ( Format:pdf, Size::1.26 MB, Language: English )
71 Minutes of 8th Senate Emergency Meeting Senate-08.pdf ( Format:pdf, Size::6.2 MB, Language: English )
72 Minutes of 9th Senate Emergency Meeting held on 07th November ,2020 Senate-09.pdf ( Format:pdf, Size::4.09 MB, Language: English )
73 Minutes of 10th Senate Meeting held on 23rd January ,2021 Senate-10.pdf ( Format:pdf, Size::5.35 MB, Language: English )
74 Minutes of 11th Senate Meeting held on 20th October,2021 Senate-11.pdf ( Format:pdf, Size::4.83 MB, Language: English )
75 Minutes of 12th Senate Meeting held on 28th June ,2022 Senate-12.pdf ( Format:pdf, Size::5.57 MB, Language: English )
76 Minutes of 13th Senate Meeting held on 17th November,2022 Senate-13.pdf ( Format:pdf, Size::8.29 MB, Language: English )
77 Minutes of 14th Senate Meeting held on 15th May,2023 Senate-14.pdf ( Format:pdf, Size::3.45 MB, Language: English )
78 Audit Observations 2022-23 Audit-Observations-2022-23.pdf ( Format:pdf, Size::789.33 KB, Language: English )
79 Circular regarding Medical Certificate at the time of Appointment Circular-Medical-Certificate.pdf ( Format:pdf, Size::1.73 MB, Language: English )
80 Transfer Order of HoD and Deans Transfer-Order-of-HoD-and-Deans_0.pdf ( Format:pdf, Size::6.17 MB, Language: English )