

S.No Name of the Project Client Name Project Coordinator Project Initiated on Project Duration Consultancy Fee (In INR) Status
21 Prepration of Ex-LIDA Master Plan 2041 UPSIDA Prof. Dr. Rabidyuti Biswas 22-07-2023 1 Year Rs1,60,00,000 +GST Ongoing
22 Traffic Impact Assesment for MTP Lakhview Residency Bhopal Madhya Pradesh Tourism Board Prof. Dr. Sewa Ram 12-07-2023 1-2Months Rs.12,00,000 + GST Ongoing
23 Join as a "Expert Group Member for the ongoing Project "Clean Energy Living Labs- Urba Low Affordable Residence (CELLULAR ) Phase-ii Global Building Performance Network Prof. Dr. Chitrarekha Kabre 31-05-2023 7 Months USD 2450 Ongoing
24 5G Application and related Training and capitcity Building in NER AMTRON Dr. Prabhjot Singh Sugga 11-05-2023 1 Year Rs.30,00,000 +GST Ongoing
25 Group servey and Total Station surve of SultanPur Mazra DSIIDC , Delhi Prof. Dr. Sanjukkta Bhaduri 05-05-2023 4 Week Rs.3,78,000 + GST Ongoing
26 Prepration of Detailed Feasibility study for Extension of Chennai Metro Rail Phase -II Corridors (Siruseri to Kilambakkam Bus Terminal) ' for Systra Faridabad Office Systra India Private Limited Sairam Dasari 30-04-2023 4 Week Rs.3,50,000/- + GST Ongoing
27 Project Mangment Consultancy Services for Army Institute of Law, Mohali Army Institute of Law Mohali Prof. Dr. Prafulla Parlewar 11-04-2023 1 Year Rs10,64,000/- + GST (1,91,520/-) Ongoing
28 Vetting of ECBC Complience PWD Rest House, Hisar Haryana Mukesh Engg. Works, Panipat Prof. Dr. Chitraredha Kabre 20-03-2023 30 days Rs70,000/- Plus GST Ongoing
29 Consultancy For Construction of Infrastructure of Army College of Medical Science Army College of Medical Science Prof. Dr. Prafulla Parlewar 28-02-2023 39 Weeks 3.5% of the estimated costor tender cost Ongoing
30 Consultancy services for Vetting of Drawing BOQ and Estimate for Army Institute of Management and Technology, Grater Noida Army Institute of Management and Technology, Grater Noida Prof. Dr. Prafulla Parlewar 28-02-2023 25 days Rs.65000 + GST Ongoing