

S.No Name of the Project Client Name Project Coordinator Project Initiated on Project Duration Consultancy Fee (In INR) Status
51 Social Infrastructure Development Plan for Gurugrame-Manesar Urban Comple 2031(SIDP,GMUC-2031) GMDA GMDA Prof. Dr. Sanjay Gupta 24-01-2022 3 Months 10,00,000 + GST Ongoing
52 DPR for Bisra Munda Bus Stand in Birmitrapur Municipalilty Sundergarh District Odhisa Birmitrapur Municipalilty Sundergarh District Odhisa Dr. Shuvojit Sarkar 15-12-2021 2 Months 5 Lacs or 1% of the Project Cost whichever is higher Ongoing
53 Construction of Office and Yatri Niwas at Pantha Chowk Srinagar- Shri Amarnathji Shrine Board Shri Amarnathji Shrine Board Prof. Dr. P.S.N Rao 30-11-2021 No Time Mentioned 4.5% of the estimated Project Cost i.e (Rs.40 Cr.) Project Fee = 1.80 Cr. Ongoing
54 DPR for Model Crematorium, Birmitrapur Municipalilty Odhisa District Magistrarte and Collector, Sundargarh, Odisha Dr. Shuvojit Sarkar 08-11-2021 2 Months 1% of the Project Cost i.e. (Rs.1,00,00,000) Work Cost + 1,00,000/- Ongoing
55 Master Plan for DPR and estimates for development of 'Integrated Infrastructure Complex for Old age and Disabled' in Sundergarh District Odisha District Magistrarte and Collector, Sundargarh, Odisha Dr. Shuvojit Sarkar 13-10-2021 2 Months 1% of the project Cost + GST Ongoing
56 Green Gas Limitee Office Building Lucknow Project Concept Planners International New Delhi Prof. Dr. Chitrarekha Kabre 07-10-2021 In effect until the complition of the Services Rs.4,13,000 (Including GST) Ongoing
57 GRIHA v5.0 Project- DCRUST Murthal Planner Group of Chandigarh Prof. Dr. Chitrarekha Kabre 07-10-2021 In effect until the complition of the Services Rs.3,54,000 (Including GST) Ongoing
58 Classroom complex under RUSA GRANT- DCRUST Murthal Concept Planners International New Delhi Prof. Dr. Chitrarekha Kabre 07-10-2021 In effect until the complition of the Services Rs.1,29,800 (Including GST) Ongoing
59 Layout Planning for Sector Level in New Agra Agra Development Authority Prof. Dr. Ashok Kumar 14-09-2021 10 Months 1,69,52,000/- + GST Completed
60 Heritage Conservation & additional office accommodation Kashmeere Gate Northen Railway Dr. Prabhjot Singh Sugga 01-09-2021 1 Year Rs.11,68,530/- Including Taxes Ongoing