Environmental considerations have assumed an increasingly important role in planning and development of human settlements. Alarming consequences of ozone layer depletion, global warming, desertification, and air pollution, pollution of the oceans, species’ extinction, deforestation, and flooding are some of the manifestations of nature’s reactions to human activities on the planet earth. Implications of such environmental degradations have been the subject of growing concern to people all over the world, and have resulted in various initiatives and actions taken at global, regional, national and international levels.
Environmental Planning degree programme is specifically designed to train students in methods for scientific evaluation of various factors for planning environmentally sustainable development of human settlements and regions. Environmental considerations at the planning stage would prevent many of the degradations that result later. Land use planning, to be meaningful, has to take cognizance of the legislations enacted in the field of environment as well as advanced techniques and tools currently being made available for analysing and predicting environmental problems such as carrying capacity, risk assessment, pollution management etc. The main objective of this programme is to impart adequate skills and exposure to the students to enable them to handle the complex challenges of environmental planning, design, impact assessment, and mitigation and preventive measures.
The focus areas of the programme are environmental planning and design, techniques of, measurement of water, soil, air and noise pollution Environmental management, environmental impact assessment, auditing and risk assessment, environmental economics, environmental legislation clear development and mechanism. In addition, the students are encouraged to undertake training during summer vacation with environmental agencies to gain professional experience.
Master of Planning (Environmental Planning)
Two Year Programme
Doctor of Philosophy (Ph. D.)
Full-Time Programme 2-5 Years
Part-Time Programme 3-7 Years
"No Regular Staff as on Date"
III Semester Studio Exercise: Environmental Management Plan for Mount Abu Eco Sensitive Zone (ESZ) with Focus on Carrying Capacity - a comprehensive review was done for the various carrying capacity studies and their methodology already present in public domain. Further, social, economic and environmental components were assessed within the study area to arrive at the existing status and the present carrying capacity of the ESZ including Mount Abu town. Subsequently, environmental management plan for Mount Abu ESZ with focus on carrying capacity was prepared.
Semester II Studio Exercise: Environmental Improvement Plan for NCT Delhi: with focus on Zero Solid Waste- Two sub-zones were selected based on land use mix, population, heterogeneity in settlement typology etc. Students were exposed to various concepts in the field of waste management such as zero waste, cleaner production etc. The study also reiterated that community involvement is critical for success of the government initiatives. Strategies were recommended at NCTD, zonal and sub-zonal level. Site specific measures for integration of sustainability practices related to SWM with planning were suggested.
A webinar on 'Mines Reclamation' was held on 19th March 2024 to discuss the process of restoring land that has been affected by mining activities, such as coal, metal, or mineral extraction. Experts and professionals from Central Coal fields (CCL), Coal India Ltd. Hazaribagh, Ms Amrita Kaur Slatch, Doctoral Researcher at RWTH Aachen University, Germany, discussed the latest advancements, techniques, and challenges in mine reclamation. The participants gained valuable knowledge on the importance of ecological restoration, sustainable practices, and regulatory frameworks for mine reclamation projects. The students were provided Hands-on-Training on preparation of Mine Closure plan.
A hands-on Workshop on ‘Climate Change Toolkit for Urban Areas’ by Dr Mahendra Sethi, alumni of the Department and Urban Environment Expert at Indian Society of Applied Research & Development, was held on 20th march 2024. The Toolkit is designed to help city planners, policymakers, and local communities address the challenges posed by climate change, and provides practical strategies, guidelines, and best practices for reducing greenhouse gas emissions, adapting to climate impacts, and fostering sustainable urban development. Aspects addressed included transportation, energy efficiency, waste management, green infrastructure, and community engagement, to empower urban areas towards a low-carbon, resilient, future. Around 30 students from Environmental & Regional Planning Department attended the session.
1. Ajay Raghava, 1994 batch – Joint Director, Climate Change Division, MoEFCC, & NITI Aayog India Climate and Energy Modelling Forum (ICEMF) is a key person in various Climate negotiations of the MoEFCC. Is visiting faculty for thesis guidance
2. Paramita Datta Dey, 1997 batch - Head (Resources and Waste) and Program Lead, NIUA, has experience in Water and Sanitation, Policy and Programme Development, Programme management, Environmental and Social Assessment, Programme Monitoring and Evaluation, Research, Knowledge Management and Capacity Building. Has been invited for special lectures and as jury member.
3. Sanjeev Kumar, 1999 batch – Head -Strategic Business Growth & Transformation at Re Sustainability Limited - work experience in Pollution Control, Environmental Sustainability, Circular Economy and Waste Management. He works closely with Policy Makers, Executors, Industry, Corporate houses, and NGOs in conceptualizing projects, enabling execution with a focus on Circular economy and sustainability. Has been invited for special lectures and as jury member.
4. Rajneesh Sareen 2000 batch - Programme Director Sustainable Habitat Programme at Centre for Science and Environment and IEMA certified advanced environmental systems auditor. Has working experience on sustainability in the built environment., and leading several research, advocacy and capacity building initiatives. One of the main recruiters of our graduates.
5. Dr. Marisha Sharma 2001 batch – Director at MMCPL (Multi Media Consultants PVT Ltd). holds a Doctor of Philosophy in Mining @ Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi. With a robust skill set that includes Environmental Impact Assessment, Project Planning, Project Management, Environmental Awareness, Feasibility Studies and more. Currently is Visiting Faculty and takes the Environmental Laboratory course in the Department.
6. Ms. Tarika Kumar 2002 batch - Director at EY Associates LLP, Climate Change and Sustainability Services - An experienced strategy professional specializing in ESG, real estate, hospitality, construction and retail. Conceptualized, curated, authored and edited multiple publications on real estate released on EY-FICCI platform. Invited as Jury member.